
How to sort a date array in PHP

I have an array in this format: Array ( [0] => Array ( [28th February, 2009] => 'bla' ) [1] => Array ( [19th March, 2009] => 'bla' ) [2] => Array ( [5th April, 2009] => 'bla' ) [3] => Array ( [19th April, 2009] => '...

Sort String Array using Levenstein Algorithm results

Hi, I've been working on an Access file editor in C#, and i've been trying to get a search feature added to my program. So far, I have the database file populate a 2D array, which i then use to populate a ListView box in another window. From this new window, I would like to be able to search each entry by Model Number. So far, i've mana...

Remembering the "original" index of elements after sorting

Say, I employ merge sort to sort an array of Integers. Now I need to also remember the positions that elements had in the unsorted array, initially. What would be the best way to do this? A very very naive and space consuming way to do would be to (in C), to maintain each number as a "structure" with another number storing its index: ...

How to sort an array of objects in PHP?

Say I have a group of people, each person having a name, sex, and age property, coded like this: public class Person { private $name, $sex, $age; public function Person ($name, $sex, $age) { $this->name = $name; $this->sex = $sex; $this->age = $age; } public function getName(); public function ...

Randomize a sequence of div elements with jQuery

Hello all, I'm trying to do my frist steps with jQuery but I have some trouble to understand how to find a list of child elements from a div parent element. I'm used to work with ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3 so i could mistake some concept, like what is the better way to randomize a sequence of div elements with jQuery! I have this...

Javascript: How to sort an array of records by values in one of the fields?

Hi, Suppose I have an array of records: [{a:0,b:0},{a:2,b:1},{a:1,b:2}] which I wish to sort in descending order of the "a" field in each record, and alert the sorted records as a new array (ie the new array would be [{a:2,b:1},{a:1,b:2},{a:0,b:0}]) - how would I go about this? I've tried a few approaches but am banging my head against ...

Sorting arrays numerically

I have a PHP array that I need to sort. I have included the example array below. I need to put the top 10 number of URLS plus their perspective counts in a different array. I know I could run into problem if there aren't 10 top matches ... if that happens then a random matching would be fine. Any suggestions? I have tried sort(myarra...

array.sort() is not giving the desired result

iam using following function in my javascript code function AlphaSort(sort_type,cat_1,cat_2,cat_nm) { var len = dataref.totalrow; var arr_name = new Array(); for (var i =0; i<len; i++) { var t = eval('dataref.mf_scheme['+i+'].'+sort_type); arr_name[i] = t; } arr_name.sort(); if(sort_type!='scheme_name') { arr_name.rever...

Best item from list based on 3 variables

Say I have the following for a bunch of items. item position item size item length A smaller position is better, but a larger length and size are better. I want to find the item that has the smallest position, largest length and size. Can I simply calculate a value such as (total - position) * size * length for each item, and then ...

Sorting Numbers ins a Object.

Hi I have an NSMutableArray of objects, let's say 'Person' Objects. I want to sort the NSMutable Array by person.savings i.e if suppose person having savings 1000,1050,500,1200,2000,1050 i want the Array in the ascending order. Thank You. ...

Sorting a array's numeric values without re-indexing (PHP)

What I'm doing is this: I get a list of ID values (numeric) from the DB and store it into an array (1, 2, 2, ...) I then count the duplicates with array_count_values. this outputs ([1]=>1, [2]=>2, ...) I then want to reorder the array in a descending order via the count I then just use array_keys($array) to get the IDs in a count order...

PHP - Sorting a two dimensional array

I am new to PHP. I have a PHP array that is two dimensional. The "inner" array has a value that I want to sort on. For example: $myarray[1]['mycount']=12 $myarray[2]['mycount']=13 $myarray[3]['mycount']=9 I want to sort the "inner" array in descending order. So the results for the following will be 13, 12, 9 foreach ($myarray as ...

PHP array_multisort does not sort properly while using complex array

I've got an multidimensional array like this: Array ( [thursday] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => Movie2 [time] => 15.30 [venue] => VenueA ) [1] => Array ( [title] => Mo...

Sort months ( with strings ) algorithm

I have this months array: ["January", "March", "December" , "October" ] And I want to have it sorted like this: ["January", "March", "October", "December" ] I'm currently thinking in a "if/else" horrible cascade but I wonder if there is some other way to do this. The bad part is that I need to do this only with "string" ( that i...

Whats the best way to sort this array in php?

I cant come up with any sane solution for this problem without resorting to ridiculous combinations of custom functions. Maybe you can provide some fresh thought on this. I have the follow (simplified) array Array ( [0] => Array ( [vid_id] => 420037 [vid_rating] => 2.93827 [vid_quality] =...

How do I move an array element with a known key to the end of an array in PHP?

Having a brain freeze over a fairly trivial problem. If I start with an array like this: $my_array = array( 'monkey' => array(...), 'giraffe' => array(...), 'lion' => array(...) ); ...and new elements might get added with different keys but always an array value. Now I can be s...

What is the easiest way to swap items inside an array (Actionscript 2.0)

I have an array that I want to sort based on the value of one of the values in the array. The way I want to sort it is to evenly distribute the value I am searching for throughout the resulting array. For example - Original array = [a,b,c,d,1,2,3,4] I want to achieve - [a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4] I can work out when to insert the numbers (tota...

Sorting an array in ascending order without losing the index Objective-C

Hello all, I have an array for instance, Array { 3.0 at Index 0 2.0 at Index 1 3.5 at Index 2 1.0 at Index 4 } I would like to get sort it in ascending order without losing the index in the first place, like this, Array { 1.0 at Index 4 2.0 at Index 1 3.0 at Index 0 3.5 at Index 2 } When I so...

Sort an array with special characters - iPhone

Hi everyone, I have an array with french strings let say: "égrener" and "exact" I would like to sort it such as égrener is the first. When I do: NSSortDescriptor *descriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"name" ascending:YES]; NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:descriptor]; NSArray *sortedArray = [myArray sor...

how to change type of value in an php array and sorting it possible ?

hi, i got problem with my code and hopefully someone able to figure it out. The main purpose is to sort array based on its value (then reindex its numerical key). i got this sample of filename : $filename = array("index 198.php", "index 192.php", "index 144.php", "index 2.php", "index 1.php", "index 100.php", "index 111.php"); ...