
Javascript: Sort array and return an array of indicies that indicates the position of the sorted elements with respect to the original elements.

Suppose I have a Javascript array, like so: var test = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'a']; I want to sort the array. Obviously, I can just do this to sort the array: test.sort(); //Now test is ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] But what I really want is an array of indices that indicates the position of the sorted elements with respect to the original elemen...

place a value in the sorted position immediately

Hello, I have a question for a c++ lab assignment I have. The task is to implement some function for adding values, remove values from an array and so on. I have done most of it now, however I have some problem with the insert function. The assignment requires me to insert float values to this array without using any algorithm to sort it...

In java, what is the best way to sort an integer array if only the last number item is displaced?

It's an array of integers. It was created this way: No element is repeated. Every time an element is added, its number is the next available integer, from 0 onwards. This way, if you add 6 elements in a row, they will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in that order. If you delete an element, the array shrinks, and a 'hole' is left between two of the...

PHP Sort function for sorting an array of objects

I have an array full of objects from the same class. I'd like to sort this array by optional object field, for instance $case->ID or $case->Sender Is there a built in flavor of the array_sort() function that does this already, or will I have to write this sort function myself? Answer doesn't have to explain in detail - this is more lik...

Javascript natural sort array/object and maintain index association

I have an array of items as follows in Javascript: var users = Array(); users[562] = 'testuser3'; users[16] = 'testuser6'; users[834] = 'testuser1'; users[823] = 'testuser4'; users[23] = 'testuser2'; users[917] = 'testuser5'; I need to sort that array to get the following output: users[834] = 'testuser1'; users[23] = 'testuser2'; us...

selection sort in assembly language

Hey guys, here is my code.. I have to perform a selection sort on an array. It is homework. The sets up my memory model. Any suggestions to what I'm doing wrong would be helpful. I've redone the entire thing a few times now. INCLUDE .data myArray DWORD 10, 12, 3, 5 .code main PROC call Clrscr MOV EDI, ...