I understand RESTful is an architecture style, but what exactly makes SOAP-based web service not count for RESTful?
It's not clear to me which points below (from Wikipedia), is not conformed by SOAP.
- Client-server
- Stateless
- Cacheable
- Layered system
- Code on demand (optional)
- Uniform interface
- Identification of resources
- Manipulation of resources through these representations
- Self-descriptive messages
- Hypermedia as the engine of application state
EDIT: I just came across this which summaries it pretty well.
REST is not RPC, RPC says, "define some methods that do something" whereas REST says, "define some resources and they will have these methods". It is a subtle but vital difference, when given a URI anyone knows they can interact with it via the predefined set of methods and receive standard HTTP responses in return. So given http://www.peej.co.uk/ I know I can issue a GET on it and receive something meaningful back. I may then try a PUT on it to change it and receive a meaningful HTTP error code since I'm not authorised to meddle with it.