



I have a plan to install my application which is compiled using RAD2010 in Vista 32 bit dev. environment, in a win 2008 server 64 bit. I use Firebird 2.0 (32 bit) as database server.

Is there any issue? Or it should run without any problem?

+4  A: 

No problem for this.

If you can use Firebird 2.1 (a version for 64bit server can be use).

Just take the fbclient.dll (32 bit version)

Hugues Van Landeghem
OK, I'll try to upgrade the Firebird Server first. I'll update the status here. Tq.
+2  A: 

I see no reason why it shouldn't work, 32 bit processes and services work well under x64. If you need lots of memory for you application you can set the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag which gives your application access to 4GB of address space instead of 2 GB. If you want that you need to add a line containing {$SetPEFlags $20} to the .dpr file.

OK noted. I will give it a try. Tq.
+2  A: 

We have encountered 2 problems with Windows 2008 Server, but it does not seem they should impact you too much:

  1. Critical Sections now come with a debug baggage that is cached and not freed when they are released. If you create lots of them, the memory footprint of your application will be much bigger. Can happen when using Interfaces or Threads heavily. see is-the-memory-not-reclaimed-for-delphi-apps-running-on-windows-server-2008-sp1 and critical-sections-leaking-memory-on-vista-win2008.

  2. When using ADO, there is a memory leak (in MS stack) when passing the ConnectionString. If you close the connections and open them a lot passing the ConnectionString you end up eating all the memory after a while.

I use the following code (using critical section) -> it cause a problem in D2008 in term of memory leak?

The only problem is if your application is library that needs to be loaded into a 64bit Process.

Examples: Shell Extensions ISAPI applications

Robert Love