




Whats the difference?

I want to be able to see if an element is in a HashMap and I just found out that if I do h[element], it will return the default element if it is not found, and not null. How would I use the iterator find method to see if the element is there?


+2  A: 

You use the find method to see if something is in a std::map

std::map<std::string, std::string> myMap
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = myMap.find("foo");
if(it != myMap.end()) {
  //foo is in the map
} else {
    // foo isn't in the map

A const_iterator is an iterator that when de-referenced returns a const version of whatever it points to. In the example above, if it was a const_iterator then de-referencing it would yield a const std::string

+1  A: 

The main difference is that const_iterator cannot be used to modify the value of an element in the map.

using find method

 hash_map <int, int> hm1;
   hash_map <int, int> :: const_iterator hm1_RcIter = hm1.find( 2 );

   if ( hm1_RcIter == hm1.end( ) )
      cout << "The hash_map hm1 doesn't have an element "
           << "with a key of 2." << endl;
      cout << "The element of hash_map hm1 with a key of 4 is: "
           << hm1_RcIter -> second << "." << endl;
+6  A: 

Assuming you're talking about STL and not some 3rd party library... m[key] doesn't just return the default object if key isn't in the map. It will create a new element in the map with that key and a default-constructed object as value.

You could use this:

map<string, int> mymap;
//add items to it
map<string, int>::iterator it = mymap.find("key");
if (it != myMap.end()) {
    // 'key' exists; (it->second) is the corresponding int

Or if you don't need to get the object (you just want to know if it exists):

map<string, int> mymap;
//add items to it
if (mymap.count("key") == 1) {
    // 'key' exists
Thanks for your correction, Pavel. I haven't used maps much :)
(I did know about ->second, I just didn't type it instinctively for not having used it much. I have no excuse for forgetting ::iterator though)
+1  A: 

As the other answers explain, for a std::map you can use find.

To answer the question in the headline:

For iterators, const can refer to the iterator itself, or the to the contents, the iterator points to. Both properties are orthogonal. With STL notation you have the following cases:

  • iterator Contents and iterator can be modified.
  • const_iterator Contents is const, the iterator can be modified
  • const iterator Contents can be modified, the iterator is const.
  • const const_iterator Contents and iterator are constant.

It is similar for pointers. There, the const can also refer to the contents or the pointer itself.


const iterators are need when you want an iterator to iterate through a const container. Trying to assign a non-const modifiable iterator onto a const container will return a compiler error. This is because the non-const iterator could potentially modify the const container.
