Objective-C methods with arguments:
A method with no arguments:
Signature is methodName.
A method with 1 argument:
-(void)methodName:(ArgumentType *)anArgument;
Signature is methodName:.
A method with 2 arguments
-(void)methodName:(ArgumentType1 *)argument1 andArgumentType2:(ArgumentType2 *)argument2;
Signature is methodName:andArgumentType2:
So this is method is a method of 2 arguments: a UIAlertView object and an NSInteger (not an object, simply syntactic sugar for either an int or long depending on your system).
The UIAlertView is the alert view whose delegate has been set to the object of this class. It's usually set when the alert view is created.
The buttonIndex is the index of the button on the UIAlertView that the user touched. This method is called when that button is clicked. By default, nothing is done, and the alert simply vanishes.
You use this method if you want an alert with buttons to pop up, and, when the user clicks on one of the buttons, have the class that invoked the alert do something (possibly different things depending on which button was clicked).