To get system uptime, use the following code:
TimeSpan uptime;
using (var uptimeCounter = new PerformanceCounter("System", "System Up Time")) {
uptime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uptimeCounter.NextValue());
EDIT: Note that this can't be used by partially trusted code.
You could use TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Environment.TickCount)
, but it'll wrap after two weeks.
I wrote a server status page in ASP.Net which shows server uptime and more.
Here is the entire page:
<%@ Page Title="Server Stats" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Admin.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="Stats.aspx.cs" Inherits="Stats" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #9DC0E4;
table.Details {
width: 550px;
margin-left: -275px;
left: 50%;
position: absolute;
table.Details tbody.Group {
border-bottom: solid black 2px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
table.Details th.Group {
font-size: x-large;
border-bottom: dashed 1px navy;
table.Details th.Name {
text-align: left;
table.Details td.Value {
text-align: right;
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
var computer = new ComputerInfo();
using (var iis = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
using (var cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total"))
using (var uptime = new PerformanceCounter("System", "System Up Time")) {
<table class="Details">
<tbody class="Group">
<th class="Group" colspan="2">Environment</th>
<th class="Name">Local server time</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= DateTime.Now.ToString("F")%></td>
<th class="Name">OS</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= computer.OSFullName%><br />
<%= Environment.OSVersion.ToString()%></td>
<th class="Name">Machine name</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= Environment.MachineName%></td>
<th class="Name">User name</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= Environment.UserName%></td>
<th class="Name">Windows domain</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= Environment.UserDomainName%></td>
<tbody class="Group">
<th class="Group" colspan="2">IIS</th>
<th class="Name">IIS Uptime</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= (DateTime.Now- iis.StartTime).ToApproximateString()%></td>
<th class="Name">Priority</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= iis.PriorityClass%></td>
<th class="Name">Physical Memory Used</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(iis.WorkingSet64)%></td>
<th class="Name">Virtual Memory Used</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(iis.VirtualMemorySize64)%></td>
<tbody class="Group">
<th class="Group" colspan="2">Hardware</th>
<th class="Name">Processors</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString()%></td>
<th class="Name">Physical memory</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(computer.TotalPhysicalMemory)%></td>
<th class="Name">Virtual memory</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(computer.TotalVirtualMemory)%></td>
<tbody class="Group">
<th class="Group" colspan="2">Performance</th>
<th class="Name">Uptime</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uptime.NextValue()).ToApproximateString()%>
<th class="Name">CPU Usage</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= (cpu.NextValue()/100).ToString("p")%>
<th class="Name">Physical memory free</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(computer.AvailablePhysicalMemory)%></td>
<th class="Name">Virtual memory free</th>
<td class="Value">
<%= ToSizeString(computer.AvailableVirtualMemory)%></td>
<%} %>
is defined in the .cs
protected static string ToSizeString(double bytes) {
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
const string format = "#,0.0";
if (bytes < 1024)
return bytes.ToString("#,0", culture);
bytes /= 1024;
if (bytes < 1024)
return bytes.ToString(format, culture) + " KB";
bytes /= 1024;
if (bytes < 1024)
return bytes.ToString(format, culture) + " MB";
bytes /= 1024;
if (bytes < 1024)
return bytes.ToString(format, culture) + " GB";
bytes /= 1024;
return bytes.ToString(format, culture) + " TB";
is an extension method defined elsewhere:
public static string ToApproximateString(this TimeSpan time) {
if (time.TotalDays > 14)
return ((int)(time.TotalDays / 7)).ToString("#,0.0") + " weeks";
if (14 - time.TotalDays < .75)
return "two weeks";
if (time.TotalDays > 1)
return time.TotalDays.ToString("#,0.0") + " days";
else if (time.TotalHours > 1)
return time.TotalHours.ToString("#,0.0") + " hours";
else if (time.TotalMinutes > 1)
return time.TotalMinutes.ToString("#,0.0") + " minutes";
return time.TotalSeconds.ToString("#,0.0") + " seconds";