Using Windows GDI to convert 24-bit color to indexed color, it seems GDI chooses colors which are "close enough" even though there are exact matches in the supplied palette.
Can anyone confirm this as a GDI issue or am I making a mistake somewhere?
Maybe there's a "please check the whole palette for color matches" flag which I've failed to find?
Note: This is not about quantizing. The source is 24-bit but contains 256 or fewer colors so an exact palette is trivial to calculate. The problem is GDI doesn't use the full palette.
I've worked around the problem by mapping the colors myself but I'd prefer to use GDI as it should be better optimized. Problem is, it seems to be "fast but wrong."
Detailed description
My source image is 24-bit but uses 256 (or fewer) colors. I generate an exact palette for it and ask GDI to transfer the image into an indexed bitmap using that palette. For some pixels GDI chooses similar, but not exact, colors even though there are exact colors elsewhere in the palette. This ruins smooth gradients.
This problem happens with:
- SetDIBitsToDevice
- StretchDIBits
- BitBlt
- StretchBlt
The problem does not happen with:
- SetPixel or SetPixelV in a loop (incredibly slow!)
- Using my own code to do the mapping
I've tested this on:
- Windows 7 (NVidia hardware/drivers)
- Windows Vista (ATI hardware/drivers)
- Windows 2000 (VMware hardware/drivers)
In every test I get the same results. (Not just the wrong colours but always the same wrong colors.)
I don't think the issue is color management (ICM/ICC profiles/etc.) as most of the APIs say they don't use it, I've tried explicitly turning it off on the GDI DC as well as via the V5 bitmap header, and I don't think it would apply within my vanlilla-Win2k VM.
Test Project
Code for a simple Win32/GDI/VS2008 test project can be found here:
The Test1 function within Win32UI.cpp is the actual test. It has two arrays of RGBQUADs, one the source image and the other the exact palette for it. It verifies that the palette really is exact and then asks GDI to convert the image using the APIs mentioned above, testing the result each time. For each test it'll tell you the first incorrect pixel's before & after colors, or tell you that all pixels are correct if it worked.
Thanks for reading my question! Sorry if it's the result of me doing something really dumb! :-)