



When I follow the instructions in ZS documentation to create a phpunit test case, the wizard returns no objects to select on the "Element to Test" line. Selecting "browse" provides an empty dialog box. The PHPUnit path in my preferences shows "/Applications/zend/zs710/plugins/com.zend.php.phpunit_7.1.0.v20091120-0900/resources/library/". What else can I check to see why I cannot create a test case? I'm new to ZS and PHP, so I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.


You should start type an existing class you want to exercise in your test case, it's like an "open type" dialog...

Roy Ganor
Thanks for submitting your response. Sorry, but your suggestion did not work in this case. When I type the name of either the class or function, the dialog box displays "There is no element 'indexAction' in project 'esdev'". Something is clearly incorrect because I started the dialog by clicking on indexController where indexAction resides.

I think the problem was my unfamiliarity with the tool. I was trying to create the PHPUnit test on PHP file. Quite by accident, I tried performing the same action on the class within the file in the PHP Explorer and it worked. Thanks all.
