



Continuing investigation on a embedded WindowsMediaPlayer problem, i am trying to do simple file playback via a DirectShow in-process server:


CComPtr<IGraphBuilder> spGraph;
spGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
CComQIPtr<IMediaControl> spMediaControl(spGraph);

// ... later:
spGraph->RenderFile(L"c:\\foo.wav", 0); // fails with VFW_E_BAD_KEY

Interestingly, this runs fine on both systems i tested on (Windows XP 32 & x64) when doing it in a stand-alone application.
It however fails in my real use-case, a NPAPI based browser plugin - i.e. a DLL loaded into Firefox/Chrome/Opera.

Does anyone have an idea what could be going wrong here?
Or ideas on what else to try?

Update: also asked on the Microsoft forums.

IGraphBuilder::AddSourceFilter(path,path,&base) already fails with the following registry calls (as seen in process monitor):

"RegOpenKey","HKCU\Software\Classes\c","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Query Value, Maximum Allowed" 
"RegOpenKey","HKCU\Software\Classes\Media Type\Extensions\.wav","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read" 
"RegOpenKey","HKCU\Software\Classes\Media Type","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read"
+1  A: 

It is reading the key from the wrong hive. It should use HKLM, not HKCU. The most likely reason for this is registry virtualization.

Hans Passant
How can it be registry virtualization on Windows XP?
Georg Fritzsche
Actually, you solved it for me by making me think again about why it was mapped to HKCU - our VS2005 fallback for `AtlSetPerUserRegistration()` wasn't only activated for the contained com servers registration. Ouch.
Georg Fritzsche