I use JDIC in my executable Jar file, when it runs, it needs to have IeEmbed.exe and MozEmbed.exe in the same dir as the Jar file, I wonder if there is a way to package all 3 files into a single executable Jar file, so when I distribute the app, there is only one executable Jar file to worry about, besides, there are problems sending and downloading *.exe files, what's the solution ?
For instance, my executable Jar file is called Java_App.jar, how to get <1>IeEmbed.exe <2>MozEmbed.exe and <3>Java_App.jar into a Jar file called : My_App.jar, and when user double clicks on My_App.jar, it will run the Java_App.jar and find the needed IeEmbed.exe and MozEmbed.exe files from inside the My_App.jar package without unpacking and save them into a local dir.