My Java program needs lots of memory to run, the 32-bit version of Java max out at 1.5 GB, my system has 4 GB of RAM, so I decided to run it under the 64-bit version of Java, and yet the JDIC won't work, which affects my program, so I wonder if anyone knows when the 64-bit JDIC will be available ?
I am using a Java coded desktop application to track my time on projects.
I used it until the IT did a new setup on my station. And now I cannot launch this application.
I got a log file when I launch it saying:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d...
I have the following line in my Java app, and it's causing the following error message :
WebBrowser webBrowser=new WebBrowser();
org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicInitException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
at org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicManager.initBrowserNative(Unknown Sour...
I use JDIC in my executable Jar file, when it runs, it needs to have IeEmbed.exe and MozEmbed.exe in the same dir as the Jar file, I wonder if there is a way to package all 3 files into a single executable Jar file, so when I distribute the app, there is only one executable Jar file to worry about, besides, there are problems sending and...
Does anyone know if there is a way to make jdic work in solaris (64bit version)??
I could only manage to find 32bit jdic libraries :(
Thanks in advance.
I'm getting the following build failure when I try to build jdic in an amd64 unix machine.
"$GECKO_HOME/include/prcpucfg.h", line 757: Error: #error "Unknown CPU architecture".
CC: Invalid input file name $GECKO_HOME/include/mozilla-config.h, no output generated for this file.
make: [MozEmbed.o] Error 1
I'm using the...
Apart from JDIC (, does anyone knew a project working towards desktop/Java integration?
Many thanks in advance.
Hi all,
Have you noticed modifications to the icons associated with files and folders when using file explorer in windows/linux while having a svn client installed (e.g., TortoiseSVN). Basically, when a folder is saved in a SVN repository, normally there is a tiny green tick icon added to the associated file icon. I want to know how Tor...