



Do any of the existing open source databases have the ability to expose a database as a web service on a server port? I'm looking for something like Microsoft SQL Servers ability to expose a wsdl web service URL .

If not, I guess i will use SQL Server Developer Edition...

+1  A: 

CouchDb is built around HTTP, with all actions being http methods. This makes the database easy to access from a variety of platforms and languages.

However, you can create a web server for any databases, for the given app with varying degrees of flexibility.

I agree, couch is tailor made for this scenario.
Dana the Sane
I liked that answer but alas, I played around with it a little and it was tough to figure out. I've given up and chosen instead to use a bound SQL connection in Visual Studio (the usual method) and now I use the MVC design pattern and "database entity binding" ...

You can do it with any database connected to a JBI like openEsb if you use a binding component like DatabaseBC

this is a good screencast on how generating a WSDL from an SQL file ... for more details you can look at this tutorial ...
