




I currently using the following the get the selected text from a webpage into a custom firefox extension:

getSelectedText: function(){
    var textWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
    var text = textWindow.getSelection();      
    if (text == null) {text =' ';}
    text = text.toString();
    text = text.replace(/^\s*$/ , "");
    text = text.replace(/\r/g, "\r");
    text = text.replace(/\n/g, "\n");
    text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g , " ");
    text = text.replace(new RegExp(/\u2019/g), "'");
    text = text.replace(new RegExp(/\u201A/g), ",");
    text = text.replace(new RegExp(/\u201B/g), "'");
    return {str:text};

This works just fine for plain text.

My problem is that i want all the elements of the webpage copied as well ( kind of like the webclips feature in safari )

Use case - If the user selects through a webpage with formatted text and images, I want the underlying HTML to get copied as well, so that I can accurately paste it into another XUL window - even send the contents as a rich HTML email if I so wish.

Any pointers?

+4  A: 

Try using this code:

var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var content = range.cloneContents();

After this code is executed, content will be a document fragment that contains a copy of the select DOM nodes. Note that event listeners will not be cloned. For more information go to

Thank you Xavi, this works for me!
Manish Chakravarty
works also on Chrome. Why wasn't this answer accepted?