





Lately I've to do lots of work with WinDBG to eliminate some bugs. Seems to work... kind of. But is there any themeing function? I found some ways to change the font-color. But it doesn't seem to affect the background colors within the main screen.

If somebody knew a way, would be great. ;)

+1  A: 

There should be a directory named themes underneath the install directory. It contains a file named themes.doc that discusses setting layout.

Ah - it is very simple. I was fiddling with windbg and wondered about this some more. It is under the view\options menu item. Here is a really good post that talks about it.

Mark Wilkins
That's just window-positioning stuff and unrelated with any color changes.
Okay. I was relying on my clearly faulty memory. I had set up my own windbg environment at work and was thinking that I had seen some options besides positioning. I should have checked it before responding.
Mark Wilkins