We have 3 different libraries, each developed by a different developer, and each was (presumably) well designed. But since some of the libraries are using RAII and some don't, and some of the libraries are loaded dynamically, and the others aren't - it doesn't work.
Each of the developers is saying that what he is doing is right, and making a methodology change just for this case (e.g. creating a RAII singleton in B) would solve the problem, but will look just as an ugly patch.
How would you recommend to solve this problem?
Please see the code to understand the problem:
My code:
static A* Singleton::GetA()
static A* pA = NULL;
if (pA == NULL)
pA = CreateA();
return pA;
Singleton::~Singleton() // <-- static object's destructor,
// executed at the unloading of My Dll.
if (pA != NULL)
pA = NULL;
"A" code (in another Dll, linked statically to my Dll) :
A* CreateA()
// Load B Dll library dynamically
// do all other initializations and return A*
void DestroyA()
"B" code (in another Dll, loaded dynamically from A) :
static SomeIfc* pSomeIfc;
void DestroyB()
if (pSomeIfc != NULL)
delete pSomeIfc; // <-- crashes because the Dll B was unloaded already,
// since it was loaded dynamically, so it is unloaded
// before the static Dlls are unloaded.
pSomeIfc = NULL;