



Hi all,

I want to generate a single dependency file which consists of all the dependencies of source files using gcc -M flags through Makefile. I googled for this solution but, all the solutions mentioned are for generating multiple deps files for multiple objects.

DEPS = make.dep

    @$(CC) -MM $(SOURCEs) > $(DEPS)
    @mv -f $(DEPS) $(DEPS).tmp
    @sed -e 's|.$@:|$@:|' < $(DEPS).tmp > $(DEPS)
    @sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $(DEPS).tmp | fmt -1 | \
      sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $(DEPS)
    @rm -f $(DEPS).tmp

But it is not working properly. Please tell me where i'm making the mistake.


I think is is expected behaviour for gcc -M, where typically you'd do something like this:

    src/foo.c \


(... lots of targets ...)

-include $(FOO_DEPS)

Note, -include not include as the dependencies will obviously not exist until at least one build has been run. Regardless, dependencies are generated on a per module basis.

Also note that gcc -M does not always work as you would expect it to work, broadly depending on what version of gcc you happen to be using.

I think what you want is something called makedep, which does what you want without sed hackery in the makefile.

Tim Post

Something along these lines is what I use to get all my dependencies in a single file:

program_H_SRCS := $(wildcard *.h)
program_C_SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)
DEPS = make.deps

make.deps: $(program_C_SRCS) $(program_H_SRCS)
    $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM $(program_C_SRCS) > make.deps

include $(DEPS)

This basically causes all the user ( as opposed to system ) dependencies to be rebuilt into a single file whenever any C or H file in the project is modified.

Robert S. Barnes