I have written a function to take in the data from a Sirit IDentity MaX AVI reader and parse out the facility code and keycard number. How I am currently doing it works, but is there a better way? Seems little hackish... buff & buf are size 264
and buff
are char
Data received from reader:
2009/12/30 14:56:18 epc0 LN:001 C80507A0008A19FA 0000232F Xlat'd
char TAccessReader::HexCharToInt(char n)
if (n >= '0' && n <= '9')
return (n-'0');
if (n >= 'A' && n <= 'F')
return (n-'A'+10);
return 0;
bool TAccessReader::CheckSirit(char *buf, long *key_num, unsigned char *fac) {
unsigned short i, j, k;
*key_num = 0; // Default is zero
memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
i = sscanf(buf, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", &buff[0], &buff[20], &buff[40],
&buff[60], &buff[80], &buff[140], &buff[160]);
if (i == 7 && buff[147] && !buff[148]) {
// UUGGNNNN UU=spare, GG=Facility Code, NNNN=Keycard Number (all HEX)
// get facility code
*fac = HexCharToInt(buff[142]) * 16 + HexCharToInt(buff[143]);
*key_num = (unsigned short)HexCharToInt(buff[144]) * 4096 +
(unsigned short)HexCharToInt(buff[145]) * 256 +
(unsigned short)HexCharToInt(buff[146]) * 16 +
// do some basic checks.. return true or false