Note: I have not tried this answer; YMMV.
The POSIX method freopen
will change the underlying file associated with a stream. As the manpage states: "The primary use of the freopen() function is to change the file associated with a standard text stream (stderr, stdin, or stdout)".
So, you could create your own JNI library that simply redirects the stream into a file. However, there are several serious roadblocks to making this work:
- You'll need to ensure that your Java
program doesn't itself use standard
streams, because they'll be
redirected too. A workaround for
this is to change
et al
to something else when your program starts up.
- It's possible that
the third-party library bypasses the standard
text streams, and writes directly to
the underlying file descriptor. It's
unlikely but possible. I can't
remember whether freopen() just
changes the file descriptor used by
the buffered stream, or actually
re-opens the underlying fd.
- You'll
still have the problem of connecting
changes to the "file" to a logger.
That last point is by far the biggest: stdio writes to an OS-level file descriptor. You would have to create some Java-level code to read that descriptor and write to a log. My first thought is that you'd have to use a named pipe, and then spin up a new Java thread to read that pipe. But that won't be portable to different operating systems, and will that you manage the pipe name in your program's configuration.
Assuming that this is a server program, and does not itself process the standard IO streams, I think your best solution will be to configure Log4J with a console logger, and simply redirect all console output to a file.
Or talk to the people who wrote the library, to get them to add configurable logging.