Your question is vague:
contents in an array -- array either
has contents or it doesn't, that
doesn't tell me anything. What kind
of contents? NSArray containing
NSStrings? Some other standard class?
A class of your own?
fields - are these a fixed group of fields, or does the number of fields needed depend on the NSArray's contents? do you want the fields to be editable, or do you just want to display data for reading?
standard of a student - What is a "standard of a student"? Don't assume we know your project and its domain-specific language. Can you explain what you mean? Your name looks Indian, so if you're not a native speaker of English, maybe you looked up the wrong translation? Can you try other translations? Circumscribe what you mean? Your complete use of "standard" has me confused, I know no meaning of the word that fits the three occurrences in your sentence.
As to semantic parsing, I don't think the iPhone has finished classes for that (does the iPhone have NSScanner or a public API to data detectors? I think only the Mac had that).
However, once you've done the parsing of the string (e.g. using NSString methods like -hasPrefix:, -characterAtIndex:, -substringFromIndex etc.), you should be able to just assign each piece of text to your UITextField or whatever you have, like in any other app. If you don't know how to do that, read up on IBOutlets, the -setText: method etc.
If you do not have a fixed number of items, you'll either want to create the views manually (Just +alloc/-initWithFrame: the right UIView subclass and -addSubview:, and keep a pointer to the view in another array) or use a UITableView, which is suitable for all kinds of lists of things.