I need to create some way to get a local WAR file deployed on a linux server. What I have been doing until now is the following process:
Upload WAR using WinSCP.
SSH into server using Putty.
Move/Rename/Delete certain files folders to prepare for WAR explosion.
Explode WAR.
Send email notifying users of restart.
Stop tomcat server.
Use tail to make sure server stopped correctly.
Change symlink to point to exploded WAR.
Start tomcat.
Use tail to make sure server started correctly.
Send email notifying users of completed restart.
This stuff is all relatively straightforward. And I'm sure there are a million and one different ways to do it. Id like to hear about some options. My first thought was a bash script. I have very little experience with scripting in general but thought this would be a good way to learn. I would also be interested in doing this with Ruby/Python or something current like this as I have little to no experience with these languages. I think as a young developer, I should definitely get some sort of scripting language under my belt. I may also be interested in some sort of software solution that could do this stuff for me, although I think scripting would be a better way to go for the sake of ease and customizability (I might have just made that word up).
Some actual questions for those that made it this far. What language would you recommend to automate the process I've listed above? Would this be a good opportunity for me to learn Bash/Ruby/Python/something else, or should I simply take the 10 minutes to do this by hand 2-3 times a week? I would think the answer to this is obviously no. Can I automate these things from my computer, or will I need to setup the scripts to run within the linux server? Is the email something I can automate or am I better off doing that part myself?
More questions will almost certainly come up as I do this so thanks to all in advance.
I should mention, I am using Maven to build the WAR. So if I can do all of this with Maven please let me know.