Is there a way of supplying enum values as method-args in pococapsule without resorting to factory-methods?
Let say I have a class that take an enum value in its constructor
class A
A(myEnum val);
Using Pococapsule xml configuration: I would like to express something like this:
<bean id="A" class="A">
<method-arg type="MyEnum" value="MyEnum::Value1" />
However, since pococapsule's basic types only includes built in types such as short, char, etc this is not possible.
How would I go about to instantiate a class A using pococapsule?
I could resort to using factory methods something like this:
MyEnum GetMyEnumValue1()
return MyEnum::Value1;
<bean id="A" class="A">
<method-arg factory-method="GetMyEnumValue1" />
Which isn't very practical. I would have to implement a new factory method for every possible value of each and every enum used.
Some would argue that enum:s shouldn't be passed in constructors or setter methods as it is a sign of a class doing to much. Yes I agree. However, there is a lot of third party code and c++ frameworks out there that uses this style, so I need to be able to do this.
Edit: The issue was resolved on Pococapsule's discussion forum. The work-around in this specific case was to have factory methods perform the desired action. It is not as flexible as declaring enum-use in the xml-config file, but it moved the project forward. Thanks Ke for your help.