Hello there,
I'm new on C++ and I'm trying to make some testing with C++ and SDL and in SDL we have a function:
SDL_TimerID SDL_AddTimer(Uint32 interval, SDL_NewTimerCallback callback, void *param);
which I can pass a callback for the timer created. But apparently it converts my instance this to *void so I can't retrieve it again on the update method which is static, and it's interesting but the the SDL_AddTime doesn't work on a non static callback function.
Well, so my problem is that when trying to call the public method render through the void* param argument It complains about not being a pointer-to-object-type...
Is there any way I can get the Character instance again inside the update method since I don't have control over the SDL_AddTime function and I have to pass the required parameters?
#include "Character.h"
timer = SDL_AddTimer(33, update, this);
this->render(); // is called without problem
//static method
Uint32 Character::update(Uint32 interval,void* param)
param->render(); // yields: 'void*' is not a pointer-to-object type;
SDL_Event event;
event.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
event.user.code = 1020;
event.user.data1 = param;
return interval;
void Character::render(void)
printf("rendering character \n");