



I'm looking for a class like EnumMap, except for enum type values (ie. EnumValueMap<K,V extends Enum<V>>).


If I was mapping, say, a few million Objects to 10 enum types, I imagined it would at least be possible to create a more memory-efficient implementation than just using HashMap<Object, V extends Enum<V>>. Perhaps not.

+1  A: 

You can any Map implementation you like (such as HashMap). enums in Java are classes and their values are objects, they don't need a special treatment.

Note that the same is true for enums as keys. EnumMap (and EnumSet) is simply optimized for enums and therefore can be faster/use less memory/...

Joachim Sauer
+1  A: 

I'd like to map Objects to enum type values. I'm looking for something with a Map interface, not a Set interface.

Well it sounds that what you need is a HashMap<Object, V extends Enum<V>>.

Stephen C