
In the example in Beginning iPhone 3 Development only the UIImage leftCapWidth and topCapHeight are used, and the image is created/set programmatically, so that's an alternate method if contentStretch isn't working.

Seems this just doesn't work as it might seem it would. The docs talk about these values doing exactly what I want (the whole button image stretching thing). Having to programmatically make the button look correct is kind of odd given we have a whole GUI making GUI... aka IB.
David Whatley
Looking at the docs for contentStretch, the defaults that IB show (particular the 0.50's) are not the actual defaults of h/w 0,0 and size 1,1 so I guess it's not too surprising that the settings in IB don't work. Looks like contentStretch was added in 3.0 so that's probably got something to do with it. http://bugreport.apple.com/
I don't follow. I'm not using the defaults. As I said, no values I put in there have any impact. The ones shown in the screen shot are not the defaults. I was running under 3.0.
David Whatley
Got the same problem here. So far always did it in code but was hoping for it to just work in IB as well ...to save me the code an IBOutlets.
Yup, had to augment the button in code.
David Whatley
If any/all of you would like to see this fixed or better documented, please consider filing a bug (or at least duping rdar://7706446). http://bugreporter.apple.com/