Note: This question is not related to Visual Paradigm. Anyone that knows SQL could answer it.
I am using Visual Paradigm to model a database in our project (using ER diagrams). When Visual Paradigm generates the SQL equivalent for the database and I import it in MSSQL it works pretty.
I took a look in generated SQL code to make sure anything is right and I saw something strange!:
For tblContracts
I defined a constraint named EndAfterStart
to make sure the value of endDate
is always bigger than startDate
. The generated SQL code for this constraint is here:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[EndAfterStart]'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblContracts] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [EndAfterStart] CHECK (([startDate]<=[endDate]))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblContracts] CHECK CONSTRAINT [EndAfterStart]
And the questions:
- Why
is altered twice to add this constraint?! - Isn't first two lines enough?
- What is different between second line and forth line?