




I want to call create table/ alter table command from a procedure. Is it possible?

My requirement is to change the datatype of a column in all tables. So, I am just getting the column name from user_tab_cols. Now I want to create a temp table which requires create statement .. but i am unable to use that within a proc.

Can anyone please help me out?


you can generate the query as string and execute it with 'exec' keyword.

Fedor Hajdu
`exec` is SQL*Plus, not PL/SQL
Jeffrey Kemp
The OP did not mention Oracle originally. A sufficiently knowledgeable person could infer it from the presence of `user_tab_columns` but this reply is innocent.
innocent, but not very helpful :)
Jeffrey Kemp
+9  A: 

I presume from the reference to USER_TAB_COLUMNS that this is Oracle. ALTER and CREATE statements are DDL, which we cannot execute directly in PL/SQL. However, there are a couple of ways around this restriction: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL(). I will use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE in the following example.

    for lrec in ( select table_name from user_tab_columns
                  where column_name = 'UNIVERSAL_COLUMN_NAME')
        execute immediate 'alter table '||lrec.table_name||
                               ' modify UNIVERSAL_COLUMN_NAME varchar2(255)';
    end loop;

Note that the usual restrictions apply: the new datatype has to be compatible with the existing datatype (unless the column is empty), and things are trickier with some specilaized datatypes like CLOBs.


I haven't addressed the CREATE TABLE statement. The principle is the same, it is just longer to type out. Besides, I am not entirely clear how it applies to your prior requirement to change the datatype of those columns.

thanks .. i used that one.. and its working absolutely fine.thanks a lot
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Tom H.