I think Gumbo's answer is the most sensible so far. However try this:
header('Gobbledy Gook', true, 304);
If the first string is not a proper header it is discarded. If iy does look like a valid header it is appended to the headers - try this:
header('Cache-Control: max-age=10', true, 304);
RTFM for header() and note the special cases - in general I think its not advisable to rely on such built-in heuristics.
However, I'm guessing that your actually interested in getting the content cached well by proxies/browsers. In most instances, latency is far more of a problem of a problem than bandwidth. Next consider how a browser behaves when cached content is stale - in the absence of updated caching information, it keeps making repeated requests to the server to see if the content is still stale.
I.e. in most cases ignoring the conditional part of requests (or even better stripping them on the webserver) actually improves performance.