Ok... I'm doing simple OpenGL ES programming and when I say simple, the most complicated things I do aren't much more than glorified beveled cubes and L-shapes. (Think very Tetris but in 3D.) However, getting all that vertex data into an app is either a) hand-coded (UGH!) or b) 3rd-party game engine (double-UGH!!!) or you use some 3rd-party filetype importer. (Partial Ugh!)
With one exception.
I've been using a program on the Mac called Cheetah3D which is a pretty good modeler (not great, but solid... good) and the one thing it has that I haven't seen elsewhere is the ability to export your models directly to c-ready header files. It exports all the arrays for you and even gives you the code to render them (albeit in a commented out block as a reference.)
While this is great for 90% of what we do, there are some things the modeler can't, like allowing me to specify the same vertex for two different faces but using a different normal for each one... or even to mix flat and curved normals (or rather how they render) in the same model.
Note those features are easily described in an .obj file since your normals and vertices are in different arrays that you can easily specify together with faces but they don't come out in the header file that way.
SO... obj files (or any other file type that will work for that matter...) best way to get it into your code?