I am creating a GUI using Java. This GUI launches a program from the command line using the ProcessBuilder class.
A little information on the process being launched: from the command line, it creates another window and prints information to said window.
In my GUI window, I have a text area to where I would like to redirect said output. I originally intended to use a SwingWorker object to constantly check for more output and not hold up the GUI. To test and make sure I had the original syntax down (without even bringing the GUI into things) I thought I would print the output from the secondary process' window to System.out. However, something seems to be wrong as I can see the output in the secondary process' window, but not the terminal from which I am working.
Excerpt of code is as follows:
Process p = pb.start();
Scanner s = new Scanner(p.getInputStream());
SwingWorker pipe = new SwingWorker<String, Void> (){
public String doInBackground(){
System.out.println("S has next!");
return null;
The boolean run is defined elsewhere in the program and is set to false when the process p exits or is force quit (additional question: is that a really bad idea? I feel like it might be...).
Does anyone have an idea as to why I am never getting any output when I see it being printed to the other window? Initially my reaction was to use p.getOutputStream() but Scanner does not take an outputStream as a paramter.
Thank you for your time.