




I have created several php projects from scratch before, but I realize that it now becomes totally impossible to maiintain all of them as they are all written differently. Especially when they are written several months ago.

I need to create new php projects regularly so would using Frameworks help me with the problem ? IS this a valid reason for using php framework like CodeIgniter ?

+3  A: 

This is indeed a valid reason :)

Use a framework! There are many

+2  A: 

Frameworks have at least two important advantages :

  • They provide you with a lot of existing code and functionnalities
    • And if you use a well-known Framework, this code will probably be well-tested, and of good quality
    • And you'll probably have less code to write, which means :
      • Less risks of introducing bugs
      • More time to write code that really matters -- i.e. code that's answering your real needs
  • And, which is probably the most important part for you : they provide you with a structure, and an application-architecture (or, at least, a squeletton)
    • which means your applications will have more chances of being developped the same way, following the same structure -- which will help greatly when it comes to maintenance
    • Modern Frameworks follow the MVC architecture, which is a step in a good direction too, for that
    • Also : if you are using a well-known Framework, there are chances that new employees arriving in your company will already know it ; which means it'll be easier for them to work on your projects.

After, there is the question of "which Framework should I use"... There is no "true" answer ; the only advice I can give you is to use one of those that are used a lot -- like Symfony, Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, ...