I develop a Python-based drawing program, Whyteboard (https://launchpad.net/whyteboard)
I'm developing features to allow the user to rotate and scale a polygon that they draw. Here's my problem:
I have a Polygon class containing a list of all points, which is "closed off" at the end. Users can select drawn shapes in my program, which "highlights" them, drawing selection handles at each point. These points can be "grabbed" to change its position, and altering the polygon's shape.
I have a problem: I need to figure out how to calculate a the resizing "scale" to apply to the polygon. For example, (with the mouse held down), the user moving their mouse away from the shape should be a "grow" action, and bringing the mouse towards the shape should shrink it.
I have code in place to perform the scale (which I believe is correct) but I just can't create a "good" scaling factor. The code below is what I've come up with, based on the answers
/edit -- here is the solved code.
def rescale(self, x, y):
x and y are the current mouse positions. the center and "original" mouse
coords are calculated below
if not self.center:
a = sum([x for x, y in self.points]) / len(self.points)
b = sum([y for x, y in self.points]) / len(self.points)
self.center = (a, b)
if not self.orig_click: # where the user first clicked on
self.orig_click = (x, y)
if not self.original_points: # the points before applying any scaling
self.original_points = list(self.points)
orig_click = self.orig_click
original_distance = math.sqrt((orig_click[0] - self.center[0]) ** 2 + (orig_click[1] - self.center[1]) ** 2)
current_distance = (math.sqrt((x - self.center[0]) ** 2 +
(y - self.center[1]) ** 2))
self.scale_factor = current_distance / original_distance
for count, point in enumerate(self.original_points):
dist = (point[0] - self.center[0], point[1] - self.center[1])
self.points[count] = (self.scale_factor * dist[0] + self.center[0], self.scale_factor * dist[1] + self.center[1])
Currently this code seems to scale my polygon down to nothing quickly, and no amount of mouse movement will grow it back. Sometimes it will do the opposite, and grow quickly; but not shrink back.