Scenario 1: Deleting the branches that no longer exist
To delete the branches that no longer exist, I followed the instructions in the answer to StackOverflow question How do I delete a Git branch both locally and in Github? by issuing the following commands:
$ git push origin :0.9-doc-rewrite
$ git push origin :path-and-#24
Scenario 2: Merging changes in an existing non-master branch
To get the upstream/0.9 branch up to date, I did the following:
$ git checkout --track origin/0.9
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/0.9
$ git push
Scenario 3: Tracking the new non-master branches
Note sure this is the best way to handle, but here's what I did:
$ git branch flexible-task-declarations upstream/flexible-task-declarations
Branch flexible-task-declarations set up to track remote branch flexible-task-declarations from upstream.
$ git checkout flexible-task-declarations
$ git push origin flexible-task-declarations
To confirm that all branches are at the same commit:
$ git branch -av
This will show all branches—local and remote—and show the most recent commit message and SHA1 hash.
Web research that may shed light on a better method for handling scenario 3
A key difference between a Git fork, when compared to either a simple Git clone, or an SVN checkout, is that your fork will never keep itself up to date with the master repo unless you do it. Fortunately, there is a simple tool to help you do this. Your fork is separate and equal to the master in Git terms so if you want to track changes to the master you can create a tracking branch in your forked repo and merge those changes into your fork’s master branch whenever you want to commit something.
I highly recommend the ‘GitHub’ gem which is a tool you can install to help you easily track changes in any other repository related to yours. See the README text at the bottom of this page for installation and usage:
Ignore the Github Fork Queue It's evil! The fork queue is a tool for maintainers who like to pick single commits from contributors but don't wish to merge in their whole branch. If you play around with the fork queue you will corrupt your fork (it can be fixed though, read Something went wrong). Many newbies on github feel like they should do something with the fork queue because there are a lot of possibly conflicting changes in there and they don't know what is the supposed way of keeping one's fork up-to-date. Read Keeping your fork up to date and find out!
Django's Github Workflow
The Django project has instructions on how to Collaborate on Github which uses what appears to be the standard way to handle forking and pulling in upstream changes.
Different Initial Fork Configuration
Long Nguyen's guest post entitled Setting up your Git repositories for open source projects at GitHub on Michael Hartl's blog describes an interesting method to setup a Github repository that you've forked. The goals of this method according to the article are to:
- Keep the repositories in sync so that each contains the full “official” repository
- Allow developers to pull in official updates
- Encourage working on branches other than master