We are using the Windows installation of Tomcat 6. By default, the log4j output for our app goes to the ${catalina.base}/logs/stdout_.log file. This log file only rolls over when we restart Tomcat, and the file name always includes the date.
I would prefer it to behave like a DailyRollingFileAppender, where it renames the file when it rolls over... that way I can just open Notepad++ and see today's logs, since Notepad++ will remember that I opened that same file yesterday. :)
I know I can just create another appender in log4j, but I would end up with the stdout.log and another log file, and I'm afraid there would be a minor performance hit for logging to both files. I've tried adding swallowOutput=true to my context.xml but I still get all logging in stdout.log. Any ideas?