



I'm attempting to get started with MINA, and all of the examples seem to have data written to the session, rather than making use of a method that can write the same type of data over and over.

I'm trying to make use of org.apache.mina.filter.codec.demux.MessageEncoder / MessageDecoder to encode / decode messages, which will allow me to always perform the task in a central location instead of doing it inline in the code, like the examples do.

Let's say I have a ProtocolCodecFactory (which extends DemuxingProtocolCodecFactory) that has a LoginRequestEncoder (which implements MessageEncoder<LoginRequest>, and was added via the factory's addMessageEncoder method). Does that mean that instead of directly calling session.write() with the username/password data, I should instead do something like this?

LoginRequest request = new LoginRequest(username, password);
new ProtocolCodecFactory()
    .encode(session, request, someProtocolEncoderOutput);

I'm not going to lie...MINA seems like it's supposed to simplify the networking process, and I'm sure it will when I get a handle on it, but I'm thoroughly confused right now.


It turns out you can simple send a request via IoSession.write(). Here is a simple example based upon my original question:

LoginRequest request = new LoginRequest(username, password);
Matt Huggins