



I have two scripts that often need to be run with the same parameter:

$ populate.ksh 9241 && check.ksh 9241

When I need to change the parameter (9241 in this example), I can go back and edit the line in history. But since I need to change the number in two places, I sometimes make a typo. I'd like to be able to change the parameter just once to change it in both places.

+1  A: 

One solution is to simply create a wrapper script (populate_check.ksh) that calls the scripts in turn:

populate.ksh $r && check.ksh $r

Or for multiple parameters:

for r; do
   populate.ksh $r && check.ksh $r

For tasks that are more transient, you can also parametrize the command so that it's easier to edit in history:

$ r=9241; populate.ksh $r && check.ksh $r

Or to do several at once:

$ for r in 9241 9242; do populate.ksh $r && check.ksh $r; done
Jon Ericson
Don't say "for r in $*"; prefer to say "for r" instead. The latter allows you to specify arguments with spaces or other IFS characters.
Chris Jester-Young
For lurkers and archives: `for r` is equivalent to `for r in "$@"`, for those unfortunate enough to use a shell not supporting the shorter form.
Chris Jester-Young
Excellent! Once again, posting questions I know the answer to pays off. Thanks.
Jon Ericson
I've updated the answer a bit to reflect your suggestion.
Jon Ericson
you can also define a shell function and put it in $SHELLrc file, better than writing a yet another script file.
+4  A: 

You can also use the history substitution feature:


Like so:

$ populate.ksh 9241 && check.ksh 9241
$ !pop:gs/9241/1234
populate.ksh 1234 && check.ksh 1234
+8  A: 

In bash:


Yes, it uses gs///, not s///g. :-)

(zigdon's answer uses the last command starting with pop, such as My answer uses the last command, full stop. Choose which works for you.)

Chris Jester-Young
I don't know if it's true, but this feature seems to use more keystrokes than just editing the command line. I used to be in love with the bang notation for recalling history, but for some reason I don't use it anymore. Hopefully your answer will help others, however. ;-)
Jon Ericson
Think about a complex command with lots of logical operators and pipes, this one will be a life saver :)
The 'g' is not working for me. It only replaces the first occurrence of 9241. Is there a config option in bash that needs to be set?

Correct answers have already been given, but for a more general understanding read the manpage with special attention to "History Expansion" and the associated shell variables (such as "HISTCONTROL", "histchars", etc.). BTW-- Your pager's search function is very useful when reading man bash
