I'd like to create a builder that builds expressions that returns something like a continuation after each step.
Something like this:
module TwoSteps =
let x = stepwise {
let! y = "foo"
printfn "got: %A" y
let! z = y + "bar"
printfn "got: %A" z
return z
printfn "two steps"
let a = x()
printfn "something inbetween"
let b = a()
Where the 'let a' line returns something containing the rest of the expressions to be evaluated later on.
Doing this with a separate type for each number of steps is straightforward but of course not particularly useful:
type Stepwise() =
let bnd (v: 'a) rest = fun () -> rest v
let rtn v = fun () -> Some v
member x.Bind(v, rest) =
bnd v rest
member x.Return v = rtn v
let stepwise = Stepwise()
module TwoSteps =
let x = stepwise {
let! y = "foo"
printfn "got: %A" y
let! z = y + "bar"
printfn "got: %A" z
return z
printfn "two steps"
let a = x()
printfn "something inbetween"
let b = a()
module ThreeSteps =
let x = stepwise {
let! y = "foo"
printfn "got: %A" y
let! z = y + "bar"
printfn "got: %A" z
let! z' = z + "third"
printfn "got: %A" z'
return z
printfn "three steps"
let a = x()
printfn "something inbetween"
let b = a()
printfn "something inbetween"
let c = b()
And the results are what I'm looking for:
two steps
got: "foo"
something inbetween
got: "foobar"
three steps
got: "foo"
something inbetween
got: "foobar"
something inbetween
got: "foobarthird"
But I can't figure out what the general case of this would be.
What I'd like is to be able to feed events into this workflow, so you could write something like:
let someHandler = Stepwise<someMergedEventStream>() {
let! touchLocation = swallowEverythingUntilYouGetATouch()
let! nextTouchLocation = swallowEverythingUntilYouGetATouch()
And have events trigger a move to the next step in the workflow. (In particular, I want to play with this sort of thing in MonoTouch - F# on the iPhone. Passing around objc selectors drives me insane.)