As described here
I do not have time to write this from scratch.
Asked and not answered
I am looking for some compilable working source code that implements MS SSPI (as alluded to in the thread above), procedural not OOP preferred.
I have looked at the code projects sample here:
But this is C# OOP. Converting this to C++ code is not trivial.
SChannel calls follow GSS API standards. There are, of course, some alternatives -- OpenSSL for example. This package is a complete and thorough implementation of the protocol and for someone all too familiar with UNIX is undoubtedly the best choice. The package originally targeted the UNIX community and to compile it relies on the Perl runtime, so some learning curve is required for Windows developers who never worked with UNIX-type systems.
Apart from that, OpenSLL does some very non-standard things
Nikolai, Having contibuted a lot of COMPILABLE source code ( I was hoping to find someone willing to do the same.