




I keep seeing references to the idea that "CouchDB may not be the best tool in every situation." This is good to know, but unfortunately also applies to every technology.

What would be much more helpful is a description of how CouchDB was tried on a project and subsequently abandoned for a traditional SQL database.

If you've tried CouchDB on a project and later gone back to a SQL database, what factors played the biggest role?

+7  A: 

You might want to check out the following articles, which describe a few examples:

Daniel Vassallo
@Daniel, those are some useful links, thanks. But I didn't find any discussions of a specific project where the limitations/mismatch in CouchDB were so great that it forced the project to go back to a RDBMS. That's really what I'm looking for.
Rich Apodaca
@Rich: I wouldn't look for examples that chose CouchDB and were forced to go back, because in some situations, a relational database, with traditional transactions and queries is the only option. Recently I came across an Oracle case study on Betfair.com http://www.oracle.com/customers/snapshots/betfair-database-case-study.pdf. I think that with 20m transactions per day, dealing with peaks of 1k transactions per second with real money, operating under strict regulations, while managing to serve over 500 million page view per day, they are doing an excellent leverage on relational databases.
Daniel Vassallo

you might find this page useful http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Comparing+Mongo+DB+and+Couch+DB
