You will probably still need to use outer joins between facts.
You should definitely be able to inner join to all dimensions though. Unfortunately, we can't do that with the data warehouse at work because we lack a record in most dimension tables to represent null records.
Facts are numeric measures (eg. dollars in a financial transaction) while dimensions are descriptors of data (eg. client involved in financial transaction, date of birth of client). You're best off referencing a good data warehousing book. I recommend The Data Warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball.
A fact table contains both facts and foreign keys to dimensions. A dimension table contains the dimension ID, textual descriptions (eg. client name) and possibly foreign keys to other dimensions (eg. date dimension ID for the date of birth field).
Sometimes, a dimension attribute may be logically null. This is not necessarily stored as null, and at my workplace, we use 0 to represent null dimensions. The one that comes to mind at the moment is a death verification method (eg. viewed death certificate) field that we have in our client dimension table. Of course, most of our clients aren't dead, so we populate this field with 0. Our death verification method dimension table, however, only stores actual death verification methods, so it does not have a record with 0 (not applicable) and we are therefore forced to use left joins to it.