Hi folks,
I'm trying to implement a simple object bridge in cocoa where the bridge object acts as a kvo/bindings-compliant drop in for some arbitrary other NSObject instance.
Here is my problem (more details in the code below):
A bridge object acts as a drop in for a Person-Object, with an NSString* property called name and an Address* property address. Binding to the keyPath "name" or "address" of the Bridge works nicely. Trouble starts when binding some object to the keyPath "address.street" of the bridge and a new Address-Object is set for Person's address property. That results in KVO-related exceptions that look like this:
Cannot remove an observer <NSKeyValueObservance 0x126b00> for the key path "street" from <Address 0x12f1d0> because it is not registered as an observer
This happens even though the bridge notices the change in the "address"-Property and emits a willChangeValueForKeyPath/didChangeValueForKeyPath tuple.
The code below produces the the problem. It's self-contained objective-c code that can be saved in a file "BridgeDemo.m" and compiled run with
gcc -o test BridgeDemo.m -framework AppKit -framework Foundation; ./test
If you know a solution to this problem or can offer me a better approach solving the same problem you make me a very happy programmer!
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
/* --- Address ----------------------------------------- */
@interface Address : NSObject {
NSString* street;
NSNumber* zipCode;
NSString* city;
@property(retain) NSString* street;
@property(retain) NSNumber* zipCode;
@property(retain) NSString* city;
@implementation Address
@synthesize street, zipCode, city;
-(id)init {
if( !( self = [super init] ) ) { return nil; }
self.street = @"Elm Street";
self.zipCode = @"12345";
self.city = @"Crashington";
return self;
-(void) modifyStreet {
self.street = @"Main Street";
-(void)dealloc {
[street release]; [zipCode release]; [city release];
[super dealloc];
/* --- Person ----------------------------------------- */
@interface Person : NSObject {
NSString* name;
Address* address;
@property(retain) NSString* name;
@property(retain) Address* address;
@implementation Person
@synthesize address, name;
-(id)init {
if( !( self = [super init] ) ) { return nil; }
self.name = @"Tom";
self.address = [[Address new] autorelease];
return self;
- (void)modifyAddress {
Address* a = [[Address new] autorelease];
a.street = @"Jump Street";
a.zipCode = @"54321";
a.city = @"Memleakville";
self.address = a;
- (void)dealloc { [address release]; [name release]; [super dealloc]; }
/* --- Bridge ----------------------------------------- */
@interface Bridge : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary* observedKeys;
NSObject* obj;
@property(retain) NSObject* obj;
@implementation Bridge
@synthesize obj;
- (id)init {
if( !( self = [super init] ) ) { return nil; }
observedKeys = [NSMutableDictionary new];
return self;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation*)inv {
[inv invokeWithTarget:obj];
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
return [obj methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
NSLog( @">>>> Detected Change in keyPath: %@", keyPath );
[self willChangeValueForKey:keyPath];
[self didChangeValueForKey:keyPath];
-(id)valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString*)key {
/* Register an observer for the key, if not already done */
if( ![observedKeys objectForKey:key] ) {
[observedKeys setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:key];
[obj addObserver:self forKeyPath:key options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];
return [obj valueForKey:key];
- (void)dealloc {
for( NSString* key in [observedKeys allKeys] ) {
[obj removeObserver:self forKeyPath:key];
[obj release];
[observedKeys release];
[super dealloc];
/* --- MyObserver ------------------------------------ */
@interface MyObserver : NSObject {
Address* address;
NSString* street;
@property(retain) Address* address;
@property(retain) NSString* street;
@implementation MyObserver
@synthesize street, address;
-(void)dealloc { [street release]; [super dealloc]; }
/* This works fine */
void testBindingToAddress() {
NSLog( @"Testing Binding to 'address' --------------" );
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Bridge* b = [[Bridge new] autorelease];
b.obj = [Person new];
MyObserver* o = [[MyObserver new] autorelease];
[o bind:@"address" toObject:b withKeyPath:@"address"
NSLog( @"Before modifyStreet: %@", o.address.street );
[[b valueForKey:@"address"] performSelector:@selector(modifyStreet)];
NSLog( @"After modifyStreet: %@", o.address.street );
[b performSelector:@selector(modifyAddress)];
NSLog( @"After modifyAdress: %@", o.address.street );
[pool drain];
/* This produces an exception */
void testBindingToStreet() {
NSLog( @"Testing Binding to 'address.street' --------------" );
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Bridge* b = [[Bridge new] autorelease];
b.obj = [Person new];
MyObserver* o = [[MyObserver new] autorelease];
[o bind:@"street" toObject:b withKeyPath:@"address.street"
NSLog( @"Before modifyStreet: %@", o.street );
[[b valueForKey:@"address"] performSelector:@selector(modifyStreet)];
NSLog( @"After modifyStreet: %@", o.street );
[b performSelector:@selector(modifyAddress)];
NSLog( @"After modifyAdress: %@", o.street );
[pool drain];
/* --- main() ------------------------------------ */
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
return 0;