The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill'
I am getting this error when running StoredProcedure.ExecuteDataSet();
Error happens in DbDataProvider.cs at line 163
The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill'
I am getting this error when running StoredProcedure.ExecuteDataSet();
Error happens in DbDataProvider.cs at line 163
I was able to fix this by adding the following code:
[162] DbDataAdapter da = Factory.CreateDataAdapter();
[163] da.SelectCommand = cmd;
<-- add this
[164] da.Fill(ds);
Hope this helps if anyone else had this problem...
i was having this problem and that line made it work....
Protected Sub searchButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchButton.Click Try Dim dt As New Data.DataTable Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connection1").ToString()) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("getAllPerson", con) cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = CInt(SearchBox.Text)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
da.SelectCommand = cmd
fnameTextBox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("FName")
lnameTextBox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("LName")
dobTextBox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("DOB")
addressTextBox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("Address")
address1TextBox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("Address1")
contactTextbox.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item("ContactNo")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub