I'm trying to return a Custom type from a PostgreSQL function as follows:
DROP TYPE IF EXISTS GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type CASCADE; -- Drop our previous type
CREATE TYPE GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type AS -- Recreate our type
Minimum timestamp without time zone,
Maximum timestamp without time zone
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge
GaugeID integer
RETURNS GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type AS
iGaugeID ALIAS FOR $1;
oResult GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type%ROWTYPE;
min(ArchivedMinimumTime) as Minimum,
max(TelemeteredMaximumTime) as Maximum
FROM GaugeSummary
WHERE GaugeID = $1;
RETURN oResult;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge(2291308);
There are two problems I'm having with this.
1) - My results come back as a single column as "("1753-01-01 12:00:00","2009-11-11 03:45:00")", where I need them to come back in two columns.
Solved! - Silly mistake... It should be SELECT * FROM GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge(123)
2) The results are the maximum and minimum values from the whole table - the WHERE constraint isn't being used.
GaugeSummaryID GaugeID ArchivedMinimumTime TelemeteredMaximumTime
80 4491 "2009-03-28 12:00:00" "2009-06-27 12:00:00"
81 4491 "2009-03-28 12:00:00" "2009-06-27 12:00:00"
But a call to the function gives me : "1753-01-01 12:00:00", "2009-11-11 03:45:00"
Answer for 2:
It seems that running this same query inside a "LANGUAGE 'SQL' STABLE;" function works fine:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge
GaugeID integer
RETURNS GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type AS
SELECT min(ArchivedMinimumTime) as Minimum,
max(TelemeteredMaximumTime) as Maximum
FROM GaugeSummary WHERE GaugeID = $1;
However, it would be nice to know why the plpgsql function isn't working correctly....