
Problem looping data in a postgres function using %ROWTYPE

Hi all... I am trying to create a function in postgres that retrieves data from one table and inputs into another. I am using the %ROWTYPE type to store the temporary data from the select statement and then iterate through it with an insert statement but have been unsuccessful! The following is my code : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rm_...

Oracle, how update statement works

Hi, Question 1 Can anyone tell me if there is any difference between following 2 update statements: UPDATE TABA SET COL1 = '123', COL2 = '456' WHERE TABA.PK = 1 UPDATE TABA SET COL1 = '123' WHERE TABA.PK = 1 where the original value of COL2 = '456' how does this affect the UNDO? Question 2 What about if I update a record in table ...

Returning a Custom Type from a Postgresql function

I'm trying to return a Custom type from a PostgreSQL function as follows: DROP TYPE IF EXISTS GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type CASCADE; -- Drop our previous type CREATE TYPE GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type AS -- Recreate our type ( Minimum timestamp without time zone, Maximum timestamp without time zone ); ...