I am using MFC for gui development and I stumbled upon a function that could be useful for what I'm trying to do. The function is _AfxCompareClassName. However, it is included in the file "afximpl.h" which is located in the directory "VC/altmfc/src/mfc/afximpl.h". Normal mfc includes are in the directory "VC/atlmfc/include".
Now from what I've gathered those files and functions located in src/mfc are considered private mfc (according to this guy) and I shouldn't use them. Why ? This function does look nice. It would help me know where in the UI I am currently.
Ultimately what I wanted to do was to change the escape/return keys behavior when editing a field of text (Edit Control). My questions are the following :
- What is a private MFC function ?
- Why shouldn't I use those functions (From what I have gathered they change often, so it is why I shouldn't use them. Is there another reason?)
- Is there a cleaner way to do what I'm looking to do ?
I though it'd be nice to get some info about private MFC since there doesn't seem to be any on SO so far.
Thanks a lot, JC