Given a representation of database tables where two entities are connected through a join table, is it possible to sort on the other entity specifying the sort order somehow through annotations?
Consider, roughly, the following database tables:
actor ( id, name )
credit ( actorId, movieId, roleName )
movie ( id, title, year )
And hibernate entities like:
class Actor {
Integer id;
String name;
@JoinColumn(name = "actorId")
List<Credit> credits;
class Credit {
String roleName;
@JoinColumn(name = "movieId")
Movie movie;
class Movie {
Integer id;
Integer year;
String title;
So I'd like to be able to have the default sorting order return Credits for an Actor in descending order by the year of the movie:
actor.getCredits(); // Returns credits in order of
It seems like one level deep of joining is pretty straightforward to sort by using @OrderBy, for example @OrderBy("roleName") ... but how do I go another join deeper?