



Given a representation of database tables where two entities are connected through a join table, is it possible to sort on the other entity specifying the sort order somehow through annotations?

Consider, roughly, the following database tables:

actor ( id, name )
credit ( actorId, movieId, roleName )
movie ( id, title, year )

And hibernate entities like:

class Actor {
    Integer id;
    String name;
    @JoinColumn(name = "actorId")
    List<Credit> credits;

class Credit {
    String roleName;
    @JoinColumn(name = "movieId")
    Movie movie;

class Movie {
    Integer id;
    Integer year;
    String title;

So I'd like to be able to have the default sorting order return Credits for an Actor in descending order by the year of the movie:

actor.getCredits(); // Returns credits in order of

It seems like one level deep of joining is pretty straightforward to sort by using @OrderBy, for example @OrderBy("roleName") ... but how do I go another join deeper?


+1  A: 

You could also achieve this at query time using an order by clause as shown here:

+3  A: 


According to JPA specification:

The property or field name must correspond to that of a persistent property or field of the associated class

It explains why @OrderBy("movie.year") does not work as expected

Unless you use a HQL query, you should use encapsulation to get your goal

public class Actor {

    private List<Credits> credits = new ArrayList<Credits>();

    public List<Credits> getCredits() {
        return this.credits;

    public List<Credits> getCreditsOrderedByMovieYear() {
        Collections.sort(credits, new Comparator<Credits>() {
            public int compare(Credits o1, Credits o2) {
                // Integer implements Comparable<T>
                return o1.getMovie().getYear().compareTo(o2.getMovie().getYear());

        return credits;


Sometimes, when Hibernate does not provide some custom behavior, i use encapsulation to get my goal


Arthur Ronald F D Garcia