



I created a web services client prototype using api's available in weblogic 10.3. I've been told I need to use Metro 2.0 instead (it's already being used for other projects). The problem I have encounter is that the WSDL does not include any Security Policy information but a UsernameToken is required for each method call. In weblogic I was able to write my own policy xml file and instantiate my service with it (see below), however I can not seem to figure out how to do the same using Metro.


 <?xml version="1.0"?>  
     </wsp:Policy> (Weblogic)

      ClientPolicyFeature cpf = new ClientPolicyFeature();
      InputStream asStream =  WebServiceSoapClient.class.getResourceAsStream("Policy.xml");  
      cpf.setEffectivePolicy(new InputStreamPolicySource(asStream)); 

         webService = new WebService(new URL(""), new QName("", "WebService"));
      catch ( MalformedURLException e )

      WebServiceSoap client = webService.getWebServiceSoap(new WebServiceFeature[] {cpf});    

      List<CredentialProvider> credProviders = new ArrayList<CredentialProvider>();    
      String username = "user";
      String password = "pass";
      CredentialProvider cp = new ClientUNTCredentialProvider(username.getBytes(), password.getBytes());     

      Map<String, Object> rc = ((BindingProvider) client).getRequestContext();  
      rc.put(WSSecurityContext.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_LIST, credProviders);


I am able to generate my Proxy classes using Metro however I can not figure out how to configure it to send the UsernameToken. I have attempted several different examples from the web which have not worked. Any help would be appreciated.


Maybe check out Implementing the WS-Security UsernameToken Profile for Metro-based web services. This tutorial has been helpful for me in the past.

Pascal Thivent
Thanks. I have used that tutorial and was able to get the policy set up by modifying the WSDL. I was really hoping there would be an approach similar to Weblogic where I could set it up programmatically.
I am also hoping for a method where I don't have to modify the WSDL. In my case the WSDL is maintained by a third party and I have no control of what goes in there.
Ron Tuffin