What does the following line actually do?
string = @"Some text";
Assuming that "string" is declared thusly in the header:
NSString *string;
What does the "=" actually do here? What does it do to "string"'s reference count?
is not a string.
is, in fact, not any other kind of Cocoa object, either.
is a variable, which you've created to hold an instance of NSString. The assignment operator puts something into a variable*. In your example above, you create a literal string, and put that into the variable.
Since string
is a variable, not a Cocoa object, it has no reference count.
Assigning an object somewhere can extend the object's lifetime in garbage-collected code (only on the Mac). See the Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa for more details.
*Or a C array. Don't confuse these with Cocoa arrays; they're not interchangeable, and you can't use the assignment operator to put things into a Cocoa collection (not in Objective-C, anyway).