




Hi All. I'm using windows XP , hebrew version. I am trying to save an AVI file using the Video For Windows API in C++, when I run the AviSaveOptions() function, the dialog opens as a thin unclickable strip at the corner of the screen. Would it have anything to do with the language (Hebrew)? maybe with the vfw driver itself? what might cause a windows dialog window to be distorted/invisible?

thanks Roey


Can't really answer your question, but I've seen problems with localized versions of AVISaveOptions dialog. The Swedish Windows XP version of it never showed but one codec, although more were installed on the system. Verified on several Swedish XP installations. Other languages we could test didn't show this. Submitted a bug report to MS, and to my great surprise, never heard back.

The AVIFile API in general seems to be spec'ed and and implemented by a bunch of drunken monkeys, so I wouldn't be hugely surprised if they had botched the Hebrew version beyond recognition.

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