I'm trying to create a jQuery spinner type thing earlier today somebody gave me this code which increases the text field value up/down on button clicks. Fantastic. But what do you do to disable the .desc button if the value is 0 - zero. In PHP very easy if if <=0 then this etc... but I don't know jQuery..
Also any ideas how it can be used to move up/down an unordered html list i.e. ul li?
$(":text[name='qty']").val(Number($(":text[name='qty']").val()) + 1);
$(":text[name='qty']").val(Number($(":text[name='qty']").val()) - 1);
This uses a form:
<input type="text" name="qty" value="0" />
<img src="img/up.png" class="inc" width="20px" height="9px" alt="Increase" title="increase" />
<img src="img/down.png" class="dec" width="20px" height="9px" alt="Decrease" title="Decrease" />